Kitchen Table Marketing + PR



June 2023 - Present

  • I was given the responsibility of promoting not only our company but also our diverse array of nonprofit, retail, and small business clients, as well as showcasing Orange County as a whole, by actively managing both KTM and Tableau's social media platforms. This involves curating creative content, engaging with followers, and ensuring our online presence reflects the essence of our company.
  • Additonally, I played a pivotal role in the strategic planning of client events, collaborating closely with my team to successfully represent our clients' objectives. It was very fulfilling to participate in the behind the scenes of an event then see it play out for people to enjoy.
  • Futhermore, I contributed to our public relations and marketing effots by capturing and deisgning captivating graphics to promote our clients across various channels. From email newsletter graphics to flyers and posters to online graphics, I have designed many graphics for our clients. I enjoy creating them and tailoring each one to the specific client and their vision. (see Graphic Design)
  • I was also provided the opportunity to heavily involved in the planning and writing process of Tableau Magazine, an online publication stemming from KTM. I took the lead in outlining creative concepts and contributed as an author to multiple articles. I greatly enjoy working on Tableau as it has many benefits - it allows me to creatively write, gives us an opportunity to highlight small business and nonprofits in the community, and more. (see Tableau Magazine)
  • Overall, I am very grateful for my internship with KTM as it has provided me with so many things. It gave me a new interest and passion for PR and Marketing, a place to practice being creative and designing, an opportunity to publish my writing, incredible mentors and role models to look up to, a chance to be involved with nonprofit organizations in the community, and the opportunity to grown both personally and professionally.

Check out the accounts I manage below:

KTM Instagram

Tableau Instagram