Accent Global Learning - London Study Center

I was fortuante enough to get the oppotunity to spend a quarter studying abroad in London, England. This experience not only furthered my academics, but also my general travel and world knowledge.


People often poke fun at the idea that "being abroad can change someone's life". They mock it and act as through it's too dramatic to be true. However, without sounding too cheesy, I do think going abroad changed my life. It altered my view of the world and my view of what I was capable of. I realized there's so much of the world I want to see and learn about. I realized that I am capable enough to travel on my own and be indepedent (even on the other side of the world from my friends and family). I am so grateful for my time in London and hope to return one day!


September - December 2022

  • London Society and Space
  • London Music Scene
  • London Musuems
  • I loved these classes as they were nothing like anything I'd taken before. They were hands on classes that often occured outside the classroom. Class would often be museum visits or tours of a part of London. I loved getting to experience the city while learning it's rich and interesting history. It gave me a new appreciate for London.

Travel Desinations

  • Munich, Germany - Oktoberfest
  • Paris, France
  • Palermo, Sicily, Italy
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel to all these amazing places. I was blown away by every desination. It expanded my view of the world and gave me a new love for traveling.

Feel free to check out the Instgram I kept while I was in London!
